What Makes
A LIMITED EDITION feel good book written by Connie Edwards.
Inspired by life! |
What Makes
A LIMITED EDITION feel good book written by Connie Edwards.
Inspired by life! |
What Makes you HappyA FEEL GOOD BOOKIn America’s Declaration of Independence it states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” But what is happiness? And how do we find in our lives? One 99 year old grandmother has found a way. Let her show you! Find What Makes You Happy too! |
CONNIE EDWARDS1920 - 2020 |
Buy the book and write your own list of
things that make you happy! |
This book was created through wonderful moments of sharing a love for writing and creative projects between Connie and her granddaughter, Jeannine Proulx.
Connie's passion for helping people find the joys in life has inspired Jeannine in her work coaching mothers and children. In life we often place importance on the bigger moments, greater achievements, followers, and likes. This book and its author have shown that a life well lived in the way she wanted to live it, is based on the small moments, the daily small things in our lives that add the most joy and create the most happiness. This book inspired everyone who read it to reflect on the things that make each reader happy, so we created journal pages in the back of the book so that others can make their own happy lists. This inspiration can bring people together, give hope to those unable to find the joy in life, help elders and their families connect, and teach children that sometimes it's a rainbow right in front of you that can give you the best feeling of joy, not just the colors on their screens. Please consider sponsoring a church group or school by buying 10-100 books and donating them to your donate to your church groups, school communities, or mental health or wellness organizations to help encourage resilience and a healthy outlook on life! |